On June 18, 2015, a conference on “Historical, International, Legal, Cultural and Art Issues of the Armenian Genocide” dedicated to the centennial of the Armenian Genocide took place in YSU Institute for Armenian Studies. The conference was organized by YSU Commission on coordination of the events for the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.  During the conference the participants spoke  about some issues of the Armenian Genocide from cultural viewpoint introducing the problems and  possible prospects.

Doctor of History, professor Hamlet Petrosyan introduced  the mechanisms of Azerbaijani policy of forcible appropriation of the Armenian culture mentioning the fact that many churches and cross-stones were destroyed  and used for construction of other buildings. Then postgraduate student of the chair of Culturology of YSU Faculty of History Haykuhi Muradyan’s  report  was on “neutralization” of  the term culture in the legal documents dedicated to cultural genocide. Candidate  of art criticism Ivet Tajaryan’s report was on one of the representatives of modern art Marko Grigoryan. At the end of the conference PhD in Architecture Lilit Pipoyan represented the peculiar features of her father’s, Suren Pipoyan’s picture “Komitas”. During the conference a discussion was aroused between the participants and presents.