RA Ministry of Culture informs that on May 16 at 18:00-24:00 and on May 18 at 10:00-18:00 111 museums of Armenia and Artsakh will be open for the art lovers in the frames of “Museum Night” and International Museum Day.

The slogan of the events is “Museums. Witnesses of Memory” dedicated to the centennial of the Armenian Genocide.

This year in the frames of “Museum Night” the lights of RA embassies in some countries will be on. Various cultural events will be held in these embassies.

The first Museum Night took place in Berlin. On that day the museums were open during the whole night. The initiative was greeted by people. And soon 20 cities in Germany joined this campaign too.

In 1999 Ministry of Culture of France organized a campaign.  Museums were open and free during one day. The initiative was called "Spring Museum", which was renamed "Museum Night" in 2001.  Soon various European countries and the International Council of Museums joined this initiative. Museum Night is sponsored by UNESCO.